Victor Hugo

French poet, novelist, dramatist

Victor Hugo quotes

Famous Victor Hugo quotes about life and love

There’s a mystery in the rhythmic humming of this universe and only deep souls can hear it. Poets and philosophers are considered to be those beings who see and narrate what others might not even comprehend. Victor Hugo was one of them. Victor-Marie Hugo was born on the 26th of February 1802 in Besancon, France. He was a renowned novelist, poet, and romantic screenwriter. Victor Hugo quotes will provide glimpses of his extraordinary life.

Hugo was also a very fine artist, he made more than 4000 drawings in his lifetime and raised social issues with his work also. Victor Hugo’s literary work includes satires, philosophical poems, novels, critical essays, letters, diaries, political speeches, dramas, and funeral orations. Inside France, Victor Hugo was massively admired for his poetry like the Contemplations and The Legend of the Ages and he also was a renowned novelist who wrote masterpieces like Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

His work has inspired and influenced countless people in various fields. Be it arts or music, politics or daily life, Victor Hugo touched many lifes with his deep words.
We have collected some famous Victor Hugo quotes to dig deeper into his mysterious personality.

Victor Hugo quotes
To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.
- Victor Hugo
There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering – a hell of boredom.
- Victor Hugo
The delight we inspire in others has this enchanting peculiarity that, far from being diminished like every other reflection, it returns to us more radiant than ever.
- Victor Hugo
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo
Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is intelligence with an erection.
- Victor Hugo
Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.
- Victor Hugo
As with stomachs, we should pity minds that do not eat.
- Victor Hugo
Not being heard is no reason for silence.
- Victor Hugo
What is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives, and especially upon their destinies, as what they do.
- Victor Hugo
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
- Victor Hugo
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
- Victor Hugo
A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil.
- Victor Hugo
Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time.
- Victor Hugo
He who abandons the field is beaten.
- Victor Hugo
A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
- Victor Hugo
A library implies an act of faith.
- Victor Hugo
Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery.
- Victor Hugo
Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.
- Victor Hugo
When a man understands the art of seeing, he can trace the spirit of an age and the features of a king even in the knocker on a door.
- Victor Hugo
Toleration is the best religion.
- Victor Hugo
Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. It was hunger that drove us to exploration. And it took a depression to teach us the real value of a job.
- Victor Hugo
Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.
- Victor Hugo